Fact or Fiction: Silicone Vs. Saline

Posted on June 13, 2011. Filed under: Procedures, Thoughts & Reviews | Tags: , , , , , , , |

saline filled breast implants

Image via Wikipedia

Having met with thousands of patients, I have noticed that there are certain prevalent misconceptions that exist about plastic surgical procedures.  I hope to clear up some of these through a series of blogs called “Fact or Fiction”.  I will address individual procedures and try to answer as many of the questions that seem to come up in my consultations.  Lets start with breast augmentation.

Fact or Fiction:  Silicone implants are not as safe as saline implants.
Fiction- Both are extremely safe.  After it was alleged that silicone implants were possible causes of several disease processes, they were removed from the market and subjected to exhaustive studies in many centers around the world.  The findings were consistent there is no evidence that silicone implants are any less safe than saline, and both are probably the safest implantable devices that exist.
Fact or Fiction:  Breast implants have to be replaced every ten years.
Fiction.  Breast implants are considered permanent implantable devices.  If patients are not experiencing any problems, there is no need to exchange implants.
Fact or Fiction:  Silicone implants give a more natural look
Fiction.  Both styles of implants come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, so different looks can be achieved with both implants. In general, a surgeon can be more precise in achieving a desired look with saline, since they are empty until they are filled in the operating room, whereas silicone implants are prefilled.  In general, silicone implants have a lower incidence of rippling.
Fact or Fiction:  It is better to place breast implants underneath the chest muscle
I’m going with Fact on this one.  Surgeons have argued this point for decades.  The advantages of going below the muscle include less rippling, less sagging, a better feel, a lower contractor rate, and probably a better look.  It is also easier to do mammograms.  The advantage of going above the muscle are limited to less post operative pain.
Fact or Fiction:  silicone implants feel more natural than saline implants
Fiction.  There are many factors that determine what a woman’s breasts will feel like after breast augmentation.  These include how much natural breast tissue she has, the size of the implants, how much saline is placed in the implant, and how much internal scar tissue (capsule) is formed. In some cases saline feels better, and in some cases silicone does.

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